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Bhutan Day 1 - Paro, Thimphu

Drukair is Bhutan national airline, the one that depart from Singapore is a A319 airbus. A pretty comfy flight for the 6 hours, it's a full fledged flight that come with meals, drinks and blanket. The flight stopover at Kolkata for around 30 minutes and continue it's journey. Here's some tips when choosing the seats on the flight. Request for a seat on the left hand side of the plane when departing for Bhutan. Request for a seat on the right hand side of the plane when flying out of Bhutan WHY? Those who have yet to see Mount Everest in your entire life, here is a chance for you to see it!! Reaching Paro airport, the cold freezing wind greet us when we left the plane. It was about 2 degree Celsius in the morning and we quickly put on our gloves, scarf and beanies. The first thing that I notice is the cool fresh air. This really wake me up instantly. Paro airport has a structure of a modern building mix with traditional wood craving that you will see t